Saturday, March 28, 2009

4th Posting

What is dissertation online?

According to think dissertation online is a formal or elaborate argumentative discourse, oral or written; a disquisition; an essay; a discussion; as, Dissertations on the Prophecies written online.

The online databases subscribe by PTSL is…
• LISA Net
• Emerald Fulltext
• Oxford Journal
• ACM Digital Library
• Computer Database
• Datastream Advanced
• Education Fulltext
• UNITAR e-Journal
• Jurnal e-Bangi

Here I write a brief summary on E learning article I found on Ebscohost and lisanet

E-Learning Programs in Higher Education

There are still many people who are skeptical, eLearning has emerged as a potential market to service knowledge workforces and especially higher education institutions. "E-Learning, as a whole, represents a wide range of organizational activities and technologies, including distance education, computer-based training, web-based training, Internet-based training, courseware delivery, and online learning and testing. ELearning represents the total integration of multimedia, instructor-led, and real-time training in a human, collaborative environment" (Brockbank, 2002, p. 1). E-Learning has become such an integral part of our society that potential markets have emerged in elementary and secondary education environments as well as in postsecondary institutions and corporations. According to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (2007), distancelearning can be characterized as an environment in which: Instructors and students are physically separated.A combination of different types of media may be utilized. Instructors are not the only source for learning (i.e. students can learn from one another's experiences). Interaction can occur between teacher and student, student and student, and groups of students.
The interaction received through eLearning and distance learning provides users with many benefits that are not offered in a traditional classroom setting. By participating in distance learning, students are able to complete their curricula at their own desired speed. The learning process remains comfortable with eLearning because students can advance to different subject matter when they see fit and can avoid any pace pressures that may come with classroom learning. In customary education settings, students must continue learning at the same pace as their peers. However, this system can intellectually hinder the students because those who advance quickly through a topic must stay at the same pace with those who may need to spend additional time with the same topic. Distance learning avoids this conflict and focuses instead on the needs of the individual student.

Mobile e-learning for next generation communication environment

This article develops an environment for mobile e-learning that includes an interactive course, virtual online labs, an interactive online test, and lab-exercise training platform on the fourth generation mobile communication system. The Next Generation Learning Environment (NeGL) promotes the term "knowledge economy." Inter-networking has become one of the most popular technologies in mobile e-learning for the next generation communication environment. This system uses a variety of computer embedded devices to ubiquitously access multimedia information, such as smart phones and PDAs. The most important feature is greater available bandwidth. The learning mode in the future will be an international, immediate, virtual, and interactive classroom that enables learners to learn and interact. Adapted from the source document.

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